


Showit Website

A brief overview of your website. See "tutorials" section below for details.

Brand Identity

Here is a walk through of your Brand Guidelines.

Logo Files

Please download within 30 days. Refer to your Brand Guidelines on how to use them.

Royalty-Free Image Collection

As a special working together bonus, here is a collection of brand-aligned images for you to use - for free!


bonus over-deliver




Pages + Canvases

Introduction to pages + canvases and how they work.


Start here. This is a 30-minute video from Showit. This is your primer.

Images + Text

How to add, remove or modify text and images on your website.

Publish Changes

Review your pages on desktop adn mobile, then publish.

Desktop + Mobile

Designing for desktop and mobile and understand how they work.

Blog Overview

An overview of how your blog works and how you can use it now.


How to work with dropdowns like FAQs and Processes.

Forms + Embeds

How to work with native forms or embed from your mail provider.

Posting a Blog

A step-by-step guide on how to create and publish a blog post.


We are deeply committed to learning and growth and constant improvement. Please take a few minutes to fill out this short feedback form below - and bonus points for giving a testimonial!


it only gets better

If you loved your experience and got value from our work together, then spread the word! For every person you refer who books a service, we will send you a $100 thank you gift. 

$100 Referral Bonus

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Thank you for allowing me the honor of helping you build your dream.

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